Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Bird Embroidery


Few years ago, a  friend of ours came to visit us from San Francisco. She loves old things so of course we went to some antique stores at downtown. After we left one store, she said 'I found something for you' then gave me a big package with a smile. I opened the wrapping paper and came out this lovely bird embroidery.  I took off the original frame, then hang it in my child's bedroom. I know the left red bird is cardinal which has a beautiful voice and the middle one who is sitting on the wire must be a chickadee, I guess. I would not say the stitch is delicate but I think it is very charming embroidery which was done by somebody else in a long time ago. And my favorite part is the blank space.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring is coming.


The long winter in Minnesota is getting over. Within this week, most of the snow had melted and we only see the ice on the sidewalk. There are little streams from the melted snow here and there, and the trees are about to bud. 
We have been making Prayer Crane Bag to aid the victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan and sold 12 bags so far. Thanks for supporting our project. We still continue to make these bags until we sell 20 of them. We hope the spring will be in the stricken area soon and warms everybody's heart.